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Euro-Parliamentary exit poll buy, criticized by members in TVR’s board


tvrRadu Carp and Romina Surugiu, members of TVR’s board, are criticizing in an open letter sent to the other member of the board, „the way the executive management of SRTv approved, without a discussion with the board, the acquiition of public opinion polling services and of an exit poll program for Euro Parliamentary elections on May 25th”, writes.


„The mentioned services were bought from CURS (Centrul de Sociologie Urbana şi Regională), following an offer selection, which wasn’t presented to the board”, the 2 also mention.

„According to the internal proceesings, any type of acquisition that is over Euro 25,000 can be approved only by the board. In this case, we suspect the amount paid by SRTV is much higher than the mentioned amount”.

Related to the exit poll services and the criticism from board members, Cristian Zgabercea, general producer TVR, said, in a statement for Mediafax, that the value of the contract for public opinion polling was of under Euro 25,000, therefor the management board’s approval wasn’t needed to make the buy .

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Autor: Carmen Maria Andronache

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