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Realitatea launches People’s Council on TV


On Saturday, Realitatea TV launched People’s Council, a new weekly talk-show during which normal people comment on political and social events that are on top of newspapers and TV journals’ agendas.

People’s Council is an analysis of the main events in public space, from the perspective of the average Joes. The new Realitatea TV program, a show that lasts 25 minutes, aims to allow normal people to express their opinions in public.

People’s Councils is a show without a host and targets Romanians from all social categories, from the people working on the fields to University professors.

During each of its editions, the new show will present 4-5 people of one profession or social category (taxi drivers trade, textile workers or teachers to give only some examples), that will be invited to express their opinions.

The people that will appear in the show will be filmed in a place that is representative for their job and will be invited to combate, debate and dissect the most talked about events of the week

Translation provided by AdHugger

Autor: Petrişor Obae

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