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Cristi Burci, after buying Prima TV: First changes will be visible after Competition Council’s ok


Cristi Burci - Sursa foto:
Cristi Burci - Sursa foto:


Cristi Burci, owner of Adevarul Holding and that recently bought back Prima TV, offered a first official interview after acquiring the TV station

“The first changes at Prima TV will be visible after Competition Council’s ok”, Burci said.

The TV “needs to be revitalized and consolidated in entertainment, digital, news and comedy areas”, he added.

How will Prima TV and Adevarul work?

Cristi Burci, for

“We’re talking about 2 separate units. There will be some synergies from content’s point of view. If we have quality content in a certain area, we will distribute it also in other mediums. It is a formula to distribute content in a multiplatform manner”.

Burci didn’t give details on transaction’s value, but mentioned that the deal “was made taking in consideration Prima TV’s financial situation”, as the TV lost millions of euros during the last year.

We present integrally the exlclusive interview offered by Cristi Burci to Petrisor Obae:

Petrisor Obae: When will be visible the first changes?

Cristi Burci: For now, on TV, there will be no change. We will start to change things only after Competition Council’s greenlight

Who will manage Prima TV?

The management will be insured by the current management team, namely Mihaela Dumitru, actual CEO, and Veronica Sorescu, programs director. (Both Mihaela Dumitru and VS work for Prima TV since Burci was previously owning the channel)

What’s the transaction value?

We cannot comment on transaction’s value.

Can you at least give us an idea on how the value was established?

Of course, it was estimated taking in consideration Prima TV’s financial situation. It is a pretty delicate situation. I can say Prima TV suffered losses during the last year

How high losses?

We’re talking couple million Euros.

Why did you buy Prima TV?

Prima is a channel with an exceptional brand, that can be revitalized and consolidated in areas such as entertainment, digital, news and comedy.

What are the plans?

It is too early to speak about plans. But it is clear Prima TV must start a complex restructuration process.

In which direction?

Program’s efficiency. More entertainment and I am talking here by more intelligent entertainment.

When do you estimate to bring Prima TV to break even?

I hope this balance will happen in 2015.

How will Prima TV and Adevarul work together?

We’re talking about 2 separate units. There will be synergies at content’s level. If we have quality content in a certain area, we will share it in other mediums also. It is a formula to distribute the content in a multiplatform way.

Changes in the news area?

  • Nothing special compared with what is now. Still, I believe we will have higher quality news.
  • There will be any TV shows produced by Adevarul or Click?
  • We don’t have plans for this for now. Adevarul is producing now, for online, around 4-6 hours of daily broadcasting. If there’s a quality content that we could broadcast on TV also, it is welcomed
  • When you owned Prima TV before, the station was nicknamed Mitrea TV because of the news. What will change in the news area?
  • Prima TV will be as balanced as Adevarul newspaper. There will be no political affinities of any kind.

Where will the studios be?

The studios remain where they are right now. At least for the moment
After you put the TV station back on its feet, are you going to resell it?
Anything is, at some point, up for sale.

Do you plan other acquisitions also?

For the right price, we are open anytime for opportunities.

Translation provided by AdHugger

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Autor: Carmen Maria Andronache

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