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Cesnavicius: Many stars continue with us; the former managers made themselves the decision to leave


Pro TV aleksandras-cesnaviciusAleksandras Cesnavicius said, for, that many of Pro TV’s starts which press announced as left for Antena 1 continue to be with the station and Loredana Groza, Smiley and Marius Moga will be present in the new Voice of Romania season, to be hosted by Pavel Bartos.


When it came of the decision to leave made by many of company’s former managers, Cesnavicius said „it was their own decision” and exemplified with the producer Mona Segall which, according to him, „refused to join our production department within Pro TV and preffered to remain independent”.

He also said that „Pro TV isn’t for sale”, but company’s secondary operations – radio, film distribution – are for sale and there are already interested parties

When it comes of the recent restructuration process that saw a lot of people fired, Cesnavicius said that „the context didn’t allow us to do this in more stages”
About firings, he says:
„The truth is slightly different; in fact, we brought in our team most of the employees which were working for us via service providing contractors. In the same time, in order to make things more efficient and transparent, our collaboration with some providers was reevaluated and, in some cases, ended. We understand that many of the providers that will not work with us anymore are dissapointed and that some people reacted emotionally. Per total, we received positive comments from the colleagues which are happy they joined our team. This aspect gathered so much attention because Pro TV is market’s leading TV channel”

Translation provided by AdHugger

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Autor: Carmen Maria Andronache

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