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Traian Basescu – one event, 4 TVs, 4 versions of the story


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4 Romanian TVs had 4 different ways of reflecting the news on the budget Romania got from European Union, after Traian Băsescu negotiated it.

Antena 3, Realitatea TV, B1 TV and Digi 24 presented, each on an own manner, the same information, the budget Romania will get from European Union between 2014 – 2020.

What were the titles?

Antena 3 – Romania, smaller budget than estimated

Realitatea TV – Basescu is praising the fact he didn’t lose more

B1 TV – Romania, a budget on plus from a cut EU budget

Digi 24 - Romania receives Euro 39,8BN.

The images clipping were published by Orlando Nicoară and initially published on Twitter by Ellunes.

Translation provided by AdHugger

Autor: Carmen Maria Andronache

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