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Same sales director for Evenimentul zilei, Capital and Catavencii; the titles sell separately


Mircea_ionescu_media_point_600Evenimentul zilei and Capital publication have a new sales director, Mircea Ionescu, that would handle sales for company’s publications starting August.

Mircea Ionescu is also the sales director for Catavencii satire weekly. The 3 titles will still be sold separately.

Virgil Munteanu, executive manager Editura Evenimentul zilei si Capital, confirmed for that Ionescu is the new sales director for the 2 publications
Munteanu said that Evz, Capital and Catavencii will not be sold in one package and mentioned that what Ionescu is doing for Catavencii is separated from what he does for the other 2 titles

Ionescu said that advertising for Catavencii is sold through his company, Sales Media Solutions. “It doesn’t have anything to do with the fact that I am sales director to Editura Evenimentul si Capital, as I am employed. With Catavencii, I have a business relation via Sales Media Solution”, he said.

Ionescu handled, over the years, sales for media companies such as Publimedia (2003 – 2006), Realitatea Catavencu (2006 – 2010), Media Point (October 2010 – October 2012).

“Catavencii doesn’t want to have, under any circumstances, its name associated with Evz and with Dan Andronic (…) Getting a job at Evenimentul, Mircea Ionescu has made, from our point of view, a choice (…) Catavencii and Evenimentul zilei cannot fit in the same pot. During the next days, we will have a final discussion with Mircea Ionescu”, Mihai Radu, editor in chief Catavencii, said.

Autor: Carmen Maria Andronache

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