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Tabloids remain the most read newspapers; EVZ, the only publication posting a slight growth


Surs foto: Financiarul
Surs foto: Financiarul


Tabloids continue to have most readers, though their audience is also in decline; Click! remains the most read newspaper in Romania, with 631.000 readers per edition between September 19th 2011 – June 30th 2013, according to the most recent wave of National Audience Study (SNA).

According to the study, all dailies posted a decline in readership, excepting Evenimentul zilei, that saw its audience increasing by 2,000 readers per edition.

Libertatea ranks 2nd in the most read central newspapers top, with an average of 490.000 readers per edition.

Tabloids are followed in the top by sports newspapers: Gazeta Sporturilor - 354.000 readers per edition and ProSport - 308.000.

When it comes of quality publications, Jurnalul National is the leader, with 191.000 readers per edition.

The highest decreases in audiences were posted by Click! (-33.000), Gazeta Sporturilor (-24.000) and Libertatea (-20.000).
EVZ slightly grew, from 162,000 readers as counted by previous SNA wave, to 164,000. Romania Libera is not present in this SNA study wave.
More info on the most read newspapers is available here.

Translation provided by AdHugger

Autor: Carmen Maria Andronache

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