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Giga TV, officially closed; CNA withdrew the audiovisual licence


logo Giga TVGiga TV, owned by Romanian businessman Gheorghe Ştefan, remained without a broadcasting license, with the proposal to withdraw it coming from Laura Georgescu, CNA’s president.

The proposal had positive votes from 7 of CNA’s members and 4 votes against from other 4.

Giga TV remained without a broadcasting license after its representatives went to CNA to demand to enter in technical revision for 3 days and return, afterwards, to the programs schedule approved by CNA .

For a long period of time, Giga TV retransmitted some of Money Channel’s programs and a lot of re-runs .

Giga TV started broadcasting in the end of January 2012, with its main news show hosted by Octavia Negre and Dan Boanta. It received a broadcasting license from CNA in May 2012, at the demand of S.C. Sonic Media SRL Piatra Neamt.

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Autor: Carmen Maria Andronache

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