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CNA stops from broadcasting Rosia Montana’s commercials


rosia montanaCNA decided to stop from broadcasting a campaign that promotes mining at Rosia Montana until its commercials enter legality. CNA members considered that ads are breaking, among others, the law article that states that ads mustn’t “stimulate a conduit that might damage population’s health or safety”.


Until the commercials will enter legality, they can’t be broadcasted on TV anymore.

During September 1st -October 6th, monitored by CNA, the TVs broadcasted 11 different ads that are promoting mining at Rosia Montana.

RMCG’s reaction to CNA’s decision: We can’t understand why an union is refused the right to advertising

“We didn’t understand, from what we see until now, what is the reason an union fighting for workplaces is being refused the right to advertising”, Dragos Tanase, director Rosia Montana Gold Corporation, stated for Yahoo News.

Tanase made this statement shortly after CNA decided to forbid RMCG’s ads and added that company’s representative will release an official position “the moment we will have a clear motivation for this”.

CNA received over 2,000 complaints related to the way the broadcasters reflected the subject of the mining project from Rosia Montana and the protests of those opposing the project.

Eugenia Voda, open letter to CNA to stop Rosia Montana commercials

Eugenia Voda, TV producer, sent an open letter to CNA demanding the members of the council to stop immediately and completely the commercials related to Rosia Montana “that invaded Romanian audiovisual”.

She mentioned that the ads are not respecting the law when it comes of correctly informing the public and expresses her surprise that Rosia Montana subject, that saw 2000 complaints reaching on CNA’s table, wasn’t introduced on CNA’s meetings agenda, although the subject is a national interest one.

“Somehow, it is understandable: on this dry times, not even RMCG money smell. Still, when it comes of a subject that ravaged Romania and that is still in national debate, don’t you think you could find a legal wat to stop this advertising craziness that generates confusion?”, Voda says in her open letter

Translation provided by AdHugger

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Autor: Carmen Maria Andronache

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