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Pro TV stations gathered half of the money on the market last year. Intact – close to a third. The expectations of the market after the recent movements from Pro TV and Antena 1


protvPro TV channels cashed in, last year, half of the total budgets allocated for TV advertising in Romania. In the same time, Intact TVs attracted around 30% of the market.


According to Media Fact Book, the total TV advertising market reached to Euro 193M last year. The money splitted as it follows:

PRO: Pro TV channels attracted half of the total budgets on the market (close to Euro 100M). It had 50% of the market with its channels having a market quota of 26%

INTACT: Intact cashed in 28% from the total budgets on the market, namely Euro 50-55M. Intact’s channels had a market quota of 28%
KANAL D. 3rd in top, Turkish owned channel has an equal report advertising / market share: it cashed in 7% of the market, it had 7% market share
PRIMA TV: 5% from total ad budgets for TV last year
Pro TV – Antena 1 war: “No matter what happens, the consumer wins”
Pro TV’s audience performances increased last year, according to Alexandra Olteanu (Initiative Romania). An increase can be seen this year too, mainly due to Romanians got talent show.

„Among Pro TV channels, there’s a visible decrease for Acasa TV, but Pro TV grows and, on CME, there’s a plus of audience”, Olteanu mentioned. Antena 1 also grew last year, but the distance between Pro TV and Antena 1 grew in 2014.

„We trust in what Pro TV can put on the table in the autumn. On the other hand, we trust that Antena 1 can monetize the transfers made this year. We trust that the ratings will grow this autumn (...) It is good for this competition to exist. No matter what happens, this war brins good results for the consumer. The one who wins is the consumer”, Olteanu said

Other conclusions on the TV market:

  • - the anti-rebate ordinance didn’t affect the market at budgets level. In 2013, it remained the same as in 2012: Euro 193M. Same level is estimated for 2014
  • - a small part of thematic stations’ budgets migrated towards big TVs, 3-4%, with one of the reasons being that working with thematic channels is more complex, as many are represented by foreign companies
  • - ad breaks were less crowded compared to last year (the loading decreased); also, there was a decrease of sold-out periods (when ad breaks were 100% full with commercials)
  • - audience increases are expected in 2014 from news channels (due to electoral periods) and TVR (due to sports events)

Translation provided by AdHugger

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Autor: Carmen Maria Andronache

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