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Ştefan Bănică Jr left Pro TV, joined Antena 1


stefan banicaStefan Bănică Jr left Pro TV and joined Antena 1 and made his first statements on the move during Antena 1’s Observer.


„I left Pro TV after 12 years. I consider a stage of my TV life has ended. I want to mention that I haven’t fight with anyone, I am still in very good relations with people there”, Banica Jr said.

On choosing Antena 1:

“I chose Antena 1 because it is a TV I see evolving and performing, reached to be an example in entertainment and its ascending direction corresponds with my career path. Antena 1 made me the offer to be member in X Factor’s jury. We are talking about a production which is succesfull also outside Romania. (...)
He also mentioned that his Christmas concert, previously broadcasted by Pro TV, will from now on be on Antena 1.

Translation provided by AdHugger

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Autor: Carmen Maria Andronache

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