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The 3 Master Chefs are moving to Antena 1’s Hell’s Kitchen. Pro TV to use new chefs for MasterChef


MasterChef 29 aprilieAntena 1 launches in the autumn the cooking show „Hell’s Kitchen”, that will be judged by chefs Florin Dumitrescu, Sorin Bontea and Catalin Scarlatescu, as the TV announced. The 3 were, previously, the jurors at Pro TV’s MasterChef.


The new Antena 1 show tarets people that with passion for cooking and professional cooks that aspire to become chefs.

Those selected to enter the competition will live in a specially made residence close to the restaurant where they will need to cook. The contestants will be divided in teamas and will have to pass all sorts of eliminatory test at every edition.

The entries for the show are already open, via
When it comes of Pro TV, that lost its jurors for MasterChef after the chefs switched for Antena 1, the TV will continue to make the show and, according to station’s PR manager, three new chefs will soon be announced as jurors

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Autor: Carmen Maria Andronache

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