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X Factor, lower audiences than Pro TV


X Factor was broadcasted in the interval 20.25 – 00.55, interval during which Pro TV outranked Antena 1.

The show had, in its four and a half hours of live broadcast, an average of 810,000 viewers nationally, from which 578,000 living in urban areas. The show ranked 2nd on both national and urban audience.

On the commercial target (18 – 49 y.o.), Antena 1 was on second place, after Pro TV, with an average of 339,000 viewers per minute.

On X Factor interval, (20.25 – 00.58), Pro TV leaded in audience with 2 movies: “The Mechanic” and “24 Hours”, with an average of 1.2M viewers at national level, from which more than half (697,000) living in urban areas.

At national level, Kanal D ranked 3rd, with an average 808,000 viewers. On X Factor interval, Kanal D broadcasted “Eyes in the shadow”, “Do you want to be a millionaire” and “Sin city” movie.

TV audience data for Nov. 18th, on X Factor interval, are available here.

Translation provided by AdHugger

Autor: Petrişor Obae

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