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MediaPro Distribution’s chief, former manager for CME’s distribution, to leave the company


cmeAnca Truta, General Manager MediaPro Distribution, will leave after over 8 years spent in CME’s company. According to’s info, Anca Truţă submitted her resignation in the start of the month.


Anca Truţă manages MediaPro Distribution since 2006. Between 2012-2013, she was manager for CME’s distribution, as part in Sarbu’s Prague team. The position she had was Senior Vice President and Head of MediaPro Distribution, Central European Media Enterprises Ltd.

After Adrian Sarbu left CME’s management, Truţă coordinated, from Romania, the distribution operations from Romania, Hungary and Czech Republic.

Her place is said to be taken over by Veronica Marin, former financial controller of the company .
MediaPro Distribution is one of the companies CME wants to sell and has in present a series of sales negotiations

Translation provided by AdHugger

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Autor: Carmen Maria Andronache

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