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Forecast: Romanian advertising market – to grow 1.9% in 2014


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Romanian advertising market will grow 1.9% in 2014, with digital continuing its growth, the latest ZenithOptimedia forecast states.

ZO representatives say they are reserved optimistic when it comes of Romania. They say there will be “important events that should attract also on local level aditional investments” and that the decline registered until now “overpassed the bleakest estimations”, but “local politic can have an influence, (…) deepening the crisis media industry is already in”.

Romanian advertising market is estimated to Euro 295M in 2013, as previously wrote.

ZO forecast related to Romania:

  • “We expect 2014 to be the long awaited year and to change the sense of the trend. We are optimistic because we have important events that should attract also on local level additional investments. We are optimist because, no matter GDPs evolution or the decrease of the consumption, the cumulated decrease of the media market during the last couple years overpassed even the bleakes estimations.
  • We are still reserved, because local politics can exercise an influence, same as it did it previously during those years, deepening the crisis media industry is already in”, a press release shows.
  • Advertising will see the strongest period of sustained development during the next 10 years, with a global incrase of 5,3% (in 2014), compared to 3,6% (in 2013). ZO estimates that this increase will reach to 5.8% in 2015 and 2016, due to mobile technology.
  • Five years of successive decreases have passed and we estimate, for 2014, a slight growth of 1.9%. Beyond the value, we believe in the major importance of the trend and its sustainability for next years.
  • TV remains dominant in the media mix, but we expect a slight decrease and a stabilization of non-TV mediums, as digital attracts increased investments and gets higher importance in the ad mix
  • Digital, that managed to become 2nd most important channel after TV in 2013, continues to grow naturally. We expect digital video advertising to bring a new breath and alter a little the report between performance (aggressive during last years) and display.
  • An unknown element remains outdoor advertising. Law 185/2013 should start producing effects in the start of 2014. These effects could be dramatic. We will be able to evaluate them in our forecast at the end of Q1 of the new year.

Translation provided by AdHugger

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Autor: Carmen Maria Andronache

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